Community Update #13 - Release News
Release Date + EthCC Speaker Slot + New HBT Rewards for LPs, Voters and Testnet Explorers
Confirming Habitat Mainnet Release: Week 26 / June 28-30
Team Habitat speaking at EthCC 4 in Paris: July 20-22
New HBT Rewards for LPs, Voters and Testnet Explorers airdropped
Habitat Lift-Off 🛫
With internal audits coming to an end, we can announce the mainnet release of Habitat.
Habitat Mainnet Release: Week 26 / 28-30 June 2021
Deployments, tests and setup of the Habitat Community will happen until then. Another task until release and after is the polish 💅🏼 of the interface design and front-end work. So don’t expect too many front-end changes at the release - step-by-step.
Make sure to follow close until Mainnet release, we will explain more v1 functionalities on the way and create more awareness for the initial rollout 🥳
EthCC 4 🎤🇨🇵
Habitat will speak at the Ethereum Community Conference 2021 - EthCC
The conference has a clear focus on meeting fellow community members, sharing knowledge and exchanging ideas. We have great memories from last edition in 2020.
This is also the place where builders get inspired and foster new partnerships for the next integrations and collaborations.
The Habitat team secured a speaker slot with the topic: "Upscaling DAOs with Rollup Technology". Presenting it to interested Ethereans and DAOs in Paris.
Let us know on discord if you are there to catch up in person. See you around!
More updates about broadcast and recording of the talk at the conference will be streamlined to our community and on all channels 📣
AirDropz ⛲
Yes, more HBT getting released today!
Another 87.500 HBT have been transferred to Mainnet and locked away.
Habitat is happy to reward LP supporters, voters of our governance tool and testnet explorers with a little dash of HBT before the mainnet rolls out end of June.
If you have voted on our Evolution Page and have interacted with our Testnet Page, you will find some rewards in your wallet. If you did both, good for you. 🍇
Evolution Voters: 100 HBT per User
Testnet Explorers: 100 HBT per User
+++ the next Tier of Genesis LP rewards is paid out:
As stated in Update #11 the second payout amount is limited to max 1000 HBT per address - to prevent 🐳 dumping on 🐟 .
Habitat already sent out all rewards in one bundle of testnet, evolution & genesis liquidity - You can see the transaction right here.
Ongoing Steps 🏃🏽♂️🏃🏽♂️🏃🏽♂️
Interface design and front-end work towards mainnet release. First features will be full designed by then - others will follow after mainnet.
One-pager as an explainer to DAOs and token holders - sssoon!
Looking for your feedback.Ongoing community-building and identifying synergies.